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"I always struggled with being always in my head, being surrounded by my thoughts, and my life was literally just my thoughts. I lost contact with the outside world, with the present moment. But these exercises that Gabor Duli gave, really put my in my body, and it really helped me regain this enjoyment of being in the here and now."
"I've been studying many different things over the last few years and I must say that this time around, there's something that's triggered, there's something that shifted. I have an inner peace, there's an inner joy. Give yourself a chance, look into the Rebirth Academy, it's worth it."
"My opinion of the Rebirth Academy is very high. The videos are of great quality, and I'm learning a lot, and it's like a one-on-one teaching with Gabor Duli. I truly feel I experienced a death and resurrection, and I've become like a new awareness. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone, especially those on a spiritual path."
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