From an existential point of view, there are seven kinds of deaths. The death of the fetus, the death of innocence, the death of the body, the death of the personality, the death of the individuality, the death of the outside world, and the death of identity. They follow in this order, but sometimes consciousness jumps more levels at once.
You cannot imagine how the next level will be from your current level. You cannot even imagine that another level of consciousness exists beyond your current one. You are on the spiritual path of deaths and rebirths until finally there is no more rebirth, only eternal life. All these levels can be achieved in just one physical lifetime.
Birth is the first death. For the outside world, your birth seems to be a birth. However, from your perspective, your birth was a death. The world you had known so far ended abruptly. You had to leave behind all the comfort, safety, tenderness and warmth of the womb.
Before your birth, your whole world consisted solely of the womb. This forgotten world was Paradise itself for you, you were living in complete happiness. Your birth was the biggest shock in your life from which you still have not recovered.
The consciousness of the fetus is followed by the consciousness of the baby. Even though you are not in the womb anymore, your consciousness is still rooted in oneness. You are a fresh, authentic and innocent human being without any inner divisions. You don’t know your name, you don’t have an idea about your body, you don’t have a concept of yourself. You are in a state of unconscious enlightenment.
Between the age of 3 and 5, you start to develop an ego, and the inner division starts. The idea of “I” begins, and you separate this “I” from the world in your mind. You try to define yourself and find out who you are and who you are not. With the death of innocence comes the birth of the personality. With it, the fear of death is also born because only the ego is afraid of death. Unconscious oneness shifts to conscious separation.
This process is like the fall from the Garden of Eden. You lose unconsciousness, but with it, you also lose oneness. The forbidden fruit is the knowledge of the “I”, the idea of yourself. You are searching for this lost Paradise all your life.
You remember the feeling, but you don’t have any conscious memories of it. You were once enlightened, and you want to be enlightened again. The secret is that you are still enlightened, you just have to remember it.
The challenge is to move from unconscious oneness through conscious separation to conscious oneness. Thus the ego is needed for this process because consciousness cannot jump directly to its final destination. The problem is that most people get stuck in their personalities in-between. This is the whole struggle of human nature.
The death of the body can function as a forced enlightenment if you are prepared enough. If you get too scared, you will become unconscious just before your physical death, and won’t learn anything from the experience. If you are able to stay conscious, you can experience as you get separated from the body and from the personality all at once. The moment of physical death can be turned into ego death. Physical death can become the gate to immortality.
But why wait until your physical death, when you can transform yourself in this life? You don’t know in advance how you will react at the moment of death. There is a high risk that you won’t be able to use the situation to your advantage. Start separating yourself from your body and from your personality until it is not too late.
Spiritual practice can bring about the death of the personality. The ego contains many things, including the idea of the body, your emotional life, your belief systems and all the ideas about yourself. Your mind has been conditioned all of your life, and now you have to decondition yourself.
So this process is usually the longest and the most complex. Besides the above difficulties, the problem is that you have to start the process from the ego. And the last thing the ego wants is its own death.
When the personality is finally dead, your consciousness automatically shifts to your individuality. Now, your task is much easier because the voice of individuality is intuition. Intuition will automatically guide you to even higher levels of consciousness. Just let it function, and follow its guidance.
In the first phase, a Master can help tremendously to kill your ego. The task of a Master is not creation, but destruction. He needs to destroy all your illusions and wake you up from the sleep. But when your intuition starts functioning, your own inner Master wakes up inside you and takes the place of the outer Master.
Living naturally according to your intuition and based on your individuality is beautiful. Not many people reach this stage, but you need to move even beyond this. The nature of your intuition is to lift you up even higher and move your consciousness above the level of individuality.
This shift happens with the separation of the observed and the observer. You usually put all your attention on the object of observation, and you forget about the subject. You observe the world, but you forget that it is you, who observes the world.
By putting your attention to the observer instead of the observed, you will finally find yourself. When the death of individuality happens, you realize that you are not a person, not even a human, only the observer of your life. Your life is happening here in the marketplace, but you are there, the watcher on the hill.
This is when definitions really start to melt away, and you step into the field of the unknown and the unknowable. You know that you are, but you don’t know anymore who you are. You cannot define it, you cannot understand it, and you cannot describe it. You are a mystery. This is the death of death, and the birth of immortality.
With the death of the individuality, consciousness shifts to awareness. There is you as awareness, and there is the outside world that you are aware of. The next step is when the observed and the observer melt into one. First, you only observed the world, but you were unconscious of yourself. Then, you became conscious of yourself, and now the world becomes part of your consciousness.
In this step, the world dies, and only awareness remains. You start to see the world as part of your own consciousness, as a creation of your own mind. This is the shift from duality to oneness, this is the experience of becoming one with everything.
On the level of oneness, you say: I am everything. Only I exist, the world is an illusion. You identify yourself with awareness, but the identity, the identification itself still remains. Now there is only one process left: to delete the “I” from the phrase “I am”.
When you succeed, only “amness” persists, only existence survives, and you finally completely disappear. Consciousness shifts to nothingness. Awareness becomes aware of awareness. The ocean melts back into itself. You will never be reborn again, but you will always be.
In this free report, I’ll reveal my number one secret to spiritual enlightenment that almost nobody else speaks about. Download it now below, to find out what it is! I can guarantee you, you’ll be surprised!
Memento Mori!
May 16, 2022 (06:55)
When in the beginning the soul is in a state of unconscious oneness then why do the soul have to be consciousness of its oneness? Why do God have to make every souls that He created to be destined to be sinned? Must these souls have to bear the same fate like the first human beings Adam and Eve?
Gabriel Dee
May 16, 2022 (07:07)
For the first question: because that’s the play of life. Consciousness is playing hide and seek with itself, and finding itself is the biggest joy and realization. The other parts are just your beliefs which I didn’t say.
June 28, 2022 (04:00)
What’s living according to your intuition and based on your individuality is like? I think i have reached this stage bcs i have practiced non attachment and surrender to my intuition. but just to be sure, what exactly do one would do at this stage aside from non attaching, surrendering and following intuition.
Gabriel Dee
June 28, 2022 (08:00)
You say you reached the stage of totally relying on your intuition, yet you ask me what to do on this stage?
Well, just follow your intuition, and it will tell you what to do next. If you listen to it fully, it will quickly take you to enlightnment. Here is a helpful video:
August 21, 2022 (03:54)
Recently i think i have experience this shift happen between the separation of the observed and the observer. Then I have found myself as the observer, and i think my consciousness have shift to awareness. About when the observer and observed melted into one, how does it happen? I observed the world at first, but how to become conscious of myself and make the world as part of my consciousness?
Gabriel Dee
August 27, 2022 (03:07)
Great! You became just the observer, just pure awareness, that is the first step. Now just think about the fact that what you observe cannot be proven real, it is just an observation. It is just your senses giving data to your brain, which puts together a picture about the world. But how can you prove beyond your senses, that it exists outside of you as an objective reality? You can’t. And you can’t because it’s not.
December 13, 2022 (07:56)
What’s the stage of ‘This shift happens with the separation of the observed and the observer. You usually put all your attention on the object of observation, and you forget about the subject. You observe the world, but you forget that it is you, who observes the world’ is like? What is the experience is like? Can u describe in detail? I thought i have reached beyond this stage but it turned out that i was still in the stage of individuality. However i’m certain that now i have been in this shift that happens with the separation of the observed and the observer.
Gabriel Dee
December 14, 2022 (06:33)
I would best describe that stage as an ego death, because you remain as just pure awareness without any concept about yourself. However, its is not full enlightenment yet, because you still think the outside world is an objective reality. Until you have any concept about yourself, you are in the stage of individuality.
December 16, 2022 (06:04)
Then i have to put attention to the observer which is me. But how to change our belief that the outside world isn’t an objective reality? How does it happen?
Gabriel Dee
December 16, 2022 (07:55)
That’s the harder part which you can’t really control. I would say if you spend enough time being just the observer, it may happen automatically.
December 17, 2022 (05:45)
Then if it can happen only automatically, how does it happen by putting the attention to the observer?
Gabriel Dee
December 18, 2022 (05:46)
No, there are 2 steps. First is the separation of the observed and the observer, which happens by paying attention to the observer. Next is realizing the illusion of the world, which happens just by being in the state of the observer long and deep enough. Hope it’s clear now.
December 18, 2022 (08:50)
Then by putting my attention the observer, what should i do precisely to know which is the right thing to do despite im totally relying on my intuition?
Gabriel Dee
December 19, 2022 (05:51)
That’s exactly what the intuition is for!
December 21, 2022 (06:44)
I think ur right. Thank u for ur help.
February 2, 2023 (09:04)
How to know when u have reach this state ‘When the death of individuality happens, you realize that you are not a person, not even a human, only the observer of your life. Your life is happening here in the marketplace, but you are there, the watcher on the hill.’? What is this experience like precisely?
July 3, 2023 (08:19)
Hello Gabriel Dee, recently I have reached this state ‘When the death of individuality happens, you realize that you are not a person, not even a human, only the observer of your life. Your life is happening here in the marketplace, but you are there, the watcher on the hill.’ Thank u Gabriel Dee for all of ur help to me. I can see why you didnt reply back on my question back in February 2. I can understand the rest now that i have to do, with my intuition.