
Surprisingly, a very high percentage of people, at least 5% of the US population has already been in the state of clinical death and came back afterward. Most of the people who are revived after physical death tell us about similar experiences on the “other side”.

The most common stories include out-of-body experiences, meeting with deceased loved ones, the sight of a tunnel, merging with a being of light and having a life review. Scientists refer to the occurrence of one or more of these phenomenon as a near-death experience.

It doesn’t matter if NDEs are real or hallucinations, and it doesn’t matter why and how they happen. The only thing that matters is that they do change people’s lives. According to the International Association for Near-Death Studies, around eighty percent of the people who experienced near-death states claimed that their lives were forever changed by what happened to them. Moreover, about twenty percent report such a profound change, that they feel like a completely new person.

So the contents and the causes of the experience are not so important after all. What really matters are the aftereffects that can deeply transform lives in the long run. A typical near-death experiencer reports not only psychological, but even physiological aftereffects. The latter can include sensitivity to light and sound, energy surges, and even electrical sensitivity. But for us, the important changes are the psychological ones, so let us go through them one by one.

The first and maybe most important is the loss of the fear of death. Their body dies, but their consciousness survives, so now they know they are not the body. The average near-death experiencer dis-identifies with the body and starts to regard himself as an immortal being having a human experience. Along the same lines, religiousness turns into spirituality. The rigid structures and the dogma of religion are changed to a more personal connection to God, based on direct experience.

Survivors value life more in general. They become more generous and charitable than before, and some even experience unconditional love. They learn to accept and love others without judgment, even themselves. They feel genuine universal love, and they are not afraid to express it. However, the relationships can suffer, because, for the partner, this idea can be just too new and confusing. If the partner is not understanding, and cannot step up to the higher consciousness, divorce can happen.

Experiencers often become like children again. They regain their fresh eyes, and once again look at the world with awe and wonder. They disregard the cultural role-playing of society and start re-discovering the world by themselves. They develop a deep hunger for knowledge and learning and become highly curious. Episodes of unresolved childhood issues can also easily surface, and they are able to deal with it from this higher level of consciousness.

Most of them change their life goals along with their personalities. People become less materialistic and more humanistic and often become healers, teachers, and helpers of the society. The majority come to live healthy, productive lives that are happier, more spiritually oriented and energetic than before. This is the power of death in action affecting millions of lives and changing thousands of futures.

Fortunately, there is no need to clinically die just to have a near-death experience. Many adults have successfully survived life-threatening accidents without a scratch. At the moment of becoming 100% sure that they were going to die, something switched on in their brains, and they experienced the same phenomenon. But at the last moment, they escaped the possibly mortal situation.

This is exactly what happened to one of the world’s top motivational speaker, Brendon Burchard. A near-death experience following a car accident at the age of 19 empowered him to change his life, and teach others how to lead a ‘charged’ life. He describes his experience in his own words:

“In that experience, you know, crashing into death’s doorway, you kind of think about life in a different way. And I discovered what I call life’s three questions. The first question you wonder is: Did I live? If this is the end, did I live my life fully and vibrantly?

Then you think: Who is going to miss me, and who will I miss? And it brings up the second question: Did I love? Did I love openly and honestly, or did I hold back because I got hurt one time? …And there is this moment when I am able to pull myself through the windshield of the car, and I stand up on the crumpled hood of this car. I look down in this bloody body, and this fear shooting down, realizing life can end, and I just remember thinking: Did I even matter?

You know, did I make a difference? Did I change somebody’s world, maybe change the whole world, did I change something? And I didn’t like the answers to any of those questions. …I remember standing on that hood of that car, and this blood coming off of me, and there was a moment I looked up, and there was this big beautiful moon that night. And I remember feeling like the “big guy” upstairs reached down and said: Here you go kid. You’re still alive, you can still love, you can still matter, but now you know the clock is ticking.”

In this free report, I’ll reveal my number one secret to spiritual enlightenment that almost nobody else speaks about. Download it now below, to find out what it is! I can guarantee you, you’ll be surprised!

Memento Mori!

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